In today’s digital landscape, securing local admin accounts is paramount. Mismanagement of these accounts can lead to severe security breaches, compromising sensitive data and systems. What are your standards when it comes to managing local admin passwords and accounts? This article outlines best practices for managing these accounts and passwords securely, alongside effective troubleshooting, preventative, and reactive business practices. We’re going to take a look at Microsoft’s 1st party solutions for managing these accounts/passwords along with the most common 3rd party solutions for MSPs. 

Common Bad Practices with Local Admin Passwords

Using the same passwords across devices

Reusing the same password for multiple devices is a risky practice. It means if one device is compromised, all other devices using the same password are also at risk. This significantly amplifies the potential impact of a breach. I think most of us have moved past this bad practice but I still see it in some environments

Storing and using passwords insecurely

How are you storing local admin passwords today? In RMM? in a documentation tool like ITG? in a Password Manager? Do you have any ACLs around techs accessing these passwords? Likely the storage location is not itself at risk but the access controls around the solution. 

Using insecure passwords/not rotating

How complex are your passwords? How frequently (if at all) are you rotating them? The rotation of passwords is likely where we have a big gap today. 

Best Practices

Dedicated Admin Accounts

Do you know that users across customers do not have local admin rights? Do you have a dedicated admin account on each device? These accounts should be dedicated and documented in the case of a breach with proper audit logging being tied to them.

Complex Passwords
Weak passwords are subject to brute force attacks. It should be a non-negotiable that passwords are compelx and are at least 15 characters long. Later on in this article , Ill talk about the settings you can configure here in Intune. ‘Large letters + small letters + numbers + special characters (improved readability)‘, is generally available in Windows. This setting overcomes a common painpoint we used to have around readability of the generated passwords.(You know this pain if you’ve been there)
Periodic Password Rotation
Rotating passwords at least every 30 days is a best practice. Without an automated solution in place this would be unfeasible but this is easily achievable with some of the 1st party and 3rd party solutions I will talk about later.

In legacy times with local active directory, these passwords were stored as an attribute on user records in plain text. We can now encrypt these passwords at rest and they are natively encrypted in Microsoft Entra. Windows LAPS passwords are always protected in transit (https) when sent from the managed device to the cloud. Windows LAPS passwords that are stored in the cloud are always encrypted with AES256

Just-in-time (JIT) access
Adopt just-in-time access principles where admin privileges are granted only when necessary and revoked immediately after the task is completed. This minimizes the time window during which admin credentials are active. Generally speaking, this is only been achievable through 3rd party solutions.
Audit logging

Implement robust audit logging to monitor the use of admin credentials. Logs should capture who accessed what resources and when, helping to detect and respond to unauthorized activities promptly. This is generally a gap I see in the industry today.

When are we using these accounts?

If we shift gears some to think about when these accounts are in use (assuming we have all users as standard accounts), we can really bucketize the highest volume activity down to the following:
    • Troubleshooting/Break-Fix
    • Application install/Program changes
I bring this up to highlight how we are always going to be looking for a solution that provides the highest security for local admin account management but being able to operationalize around the solution is also paramount.

Preventative Mindset

When we think about our “standards” as an MSP that we try to implement across all customers, I’m always going to try to follow a preventative approach vs an approach that relies on us being really good at being reactive. Here are some highlights when thinking about the preventative approach to our security controls as it relates to why someone would need to use elevated privileges on a device.
Zero-Trust Mentality
Fundamentality we are going to adopt a zero-trust approach to security, where every access request is authenticated, authorized, and encrypted. Effectively any process, application, or system making changes to our device needs to be earn our trust vs being trusted by default.
Controlled Folder Access

Enable controlled folder access to protect sensitive directories from unauthorized modifications and ransomware attacks. This is available with attack surface reduction rules in Business Premium.

Application Whitelisting/Ring-fencing
Common solution in the industry today to whitelist applications that can be installed or make changes to a device
Process Manipulation Blocklist/Allow List
Same as the above

Is EDR enough?

This is another topic that comes up often. When we think about a layered approach to security or defense in-depth, you really want to have more than just EDR here. An EDR tool like SentinelOne or Defender for Business could very well detect a malicious file or process after its already in motion but I’d much rather have solutions preventing that initial attack altogether.

Reactive Considerations

The reality here is that it is impossible to whitelist and pre-approve all processes/apps that require elevated privileges. Its also imperative to have this when we need to troubleshoot issues on users devices as well. When we lock things down, there is inherently a lot of friction that gets extended to the user when they can’t download the apps they need to do their job as an example. For this reason, its very important we have process definitions for how we perform the following:
    • Elevation Control Management
    • Remote access management

1st party bundles

I want to now discuss the 1st party solutions available with Microsoft to accommodate for local admin account management and the subsequent workflows associated with us using these accounts.
    • LAPS
      • Windows Local Admin Password Solution (LAPS) is a great solution built into Entra and Intune that supports both Cloud-Native and Hybrid environments.
      • Local admin passwords can be managed centrally in Intune and you can define policy to automatically rotate them on a periodic basis and after they are used to login to a device
    • Intune EPM
      • Endpoint Privilege Management is a new(er) solution that is an add-on you can purchase which allows for just-in-time elevation on devices so that users can have temporary privileges on devices to do things like install the apps they need.
    • Intune Remote Help
      • This is Intune’s native remote access solution that allows techs to remotely access devices.
    • GDAP/PIM
      • Using GDAP and PIM within your partner account, you could actually create a system around limited, just-in-time access for when technicians are access local admin passwords in Intune. Using the Cloud Device Administrator or Intune Service Administrator roles paired with a PIM enabled group, you could effectively create a solution that allows techs to PIM into groups that can access local admin passwords when needed but not have access the other 99% of the time.

My recommended LAPS policy settings:

  • Its all native. No agents. No extension to 3rd party risk.
  • Not multi-tenant capable
  • Not tied into our MSP tools like ticketing. Huge deal to operationalize.
  • GDAP/PIM may be considered to be too high of an operational burden compared to managing these passwords in our documentation tool (although I would consider that less secure)
  • It’s expensive. See pricing here. This is one of the biggest barriers to entry still. While LAPs is free, EPM ($3/e/m) and Remote Help ($3.50/e/m) equate to at least a 33% increase in cost in most cases vs what we are paying for 3rd party that are more MSP friendly.
  • Products are still relatively new. EPM and Remote Help have only been out for about a year. Like all Microsoft products, it takes time for me to really trust that there won’t be some glaring gaps in consistent performance.

3rd Party Bundles

For the longest time you may have been just using your RMM and powershell to manage local accounts and passwords but lately many 3rd party solutions specifically target a solution around this area that provide for a much better experience. Here are some of the most popular I see today:
    • CyberQP
    • CyberFox
    • Threatlocker
      • Pros (not all inclusive but what I want to highlight)
        • Multi-tenant capable
        • Extend to server/db password management. We don’t get that today in a central solution with Intune as an example.
        • Integration to our tools like PSA for Ticketing, Documentation tools
        • Heighted capabilities like JIT built in.
        • Managed response offerings => Some of these companies are introducing a managed response offering for the elevation request that come in allowing us to offboard that support burden (for a fee of course)
      • Cons
        • Require another agent. This is the biggest downside in my opinion. Yet another risk we are adding to our devices.
        • Some of the core features are duplicitous with what you can get for free in LAPS. Thinking about TCO here.


Managing local admin accounts securely is a critical component of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Leveraging tools like LAPS, Intune, and third-party solutions can further enhance security and streamline local account best practices.

Until Microsoft makes 1st party more cost-effective, I believe we will continue to see most of us adopt 3rd party. 

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