As we continue to shift the management of devices to Intune, I wanted an easy way to see all of the devices across all customers. I wanted to include metadata at a multi-tenant level such as device compliance and autopilot enrollment. I created a script that creates a new flexible asset in IT Glue and populates it with all enrolled devices per company. The script creates new devices or updates existing devices. You will be able to document the following:
- Device Name
- Ownership (Corporate or Personal)
- OS
- OS Version
- Compliance State
- User
- Autopilot Enrolled
- Encrypted
- Serial Number
- Configurations(if existing)

You will need to garner tokens and GUIDs from both the Secure Application Model and Syncro. The secure application model allows for a headless connection into all of your customer environments. The script to run that can be found from Kelvin over at CyberDrain. Click here to go to that page in Github.
In IT Glue you will need to create a new API Key. Click Here for IT Glue’s Documentation on generating a new API key.
In Microsoft, you will need to make sure you add the following permissions from the ap that was created with the Secure Application model if they are not already there:
- DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
- DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All
Reference the following documentation for steps on adding permission to your app registration.
The Script
Param ( [cmdletbinding()] [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your ApplicationId from the Secure Application Model")] [string]$ApplicationId, [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your ApplicationSecret from the Secure Application Model")] [string]$ApplicationSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your Partner Tenantid")] [string]$tenantID, [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your refreshToken from the Secure Application Model")] [string]$refreshToken, [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your IT Glue API Key")] [string]$APIKey, [Parameter(Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage="Enter your IT Glue URL, ex:")] [string]$APIEndpoint ) ###Additional API Permissions Need for App in Azure AD #### ####DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All ####DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All ###MICROSOFT SECRETS##### $ApplicationId = $ApplicationId $ApplicationSecret = $ApplicationSecret $tenantID = $tenantID $refreshToken = $refreshToken $secPas = $ApplicationSecret| ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ApplicationId, $secPas) ########################## IT-Glue Information ############################ $APIKey = $APIKey $APIEndpoint = $APIEndpoint $FlexAssetName = "Intune Devices" $Description = "Documentation for all devices enrolled into Intune" write-host "Getting IT-Glue module" -ForegroundColor Green If (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "ITGlueAPI") { Import-module ITGlueAPI } Else { Install-Module ITGlueAPI -Force Import-Module ITGlueAPI } #Settings IT-Glue logon information Add-ITGlueBaseURI -base_uri $APIEndpoint Add-ITGlueAPIKey $APIKEy write-host "Checking if Flexible Asset exists in IT-Glue." -foregroundColor green $FilterID = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -filter_name $FlexAssetName).data if (!$FilterID) { write-host "Does not exist, creating new." -foregroundColor green $NewFlexAssetData = @{ type = 'flexible-asset-types' attributes = @{ name = $FlexAssetName icon = 'laptop' description = $description } relationships = @{ "flexible-asset-fields" = @{ data = @( @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 1 name = "Device Name" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true "use-for-title" = $true } }, @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 2 name = "Ownership" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 3 name = "OS" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 4 name = "OS Version" kind = "Text" required = $false "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 5 name = "Compliance State" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 6 name = "User" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 7 name = "Autopilot Enrolled" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 8 name = "Encrypted" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 9 name = "Serial Number" kind = "Text" required = $true "show-in-list" = $true } } @{ type = "flexible_asset_fields" attributes = @{ order = 10 name = "Configurations" 'tag-type' = "Configurations" kind = "Tag" required = $false "show-in-list" = $true } } ) } } } New-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -Data $NewFlexAssetData $FilterID = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -filter_name $FlexAssetName).data } #Grab all IT-Glue contacts to match the domain name. write-host "Getting IT-Glue contact list" -foregroundColor green $i = 1 $AllITGlueContacts = do { $Contacts = (Get-ITGlueContacts -page_size 1000 -page_number $i).data.attributes $i++ $Contacts Write-Host "Retrieved $($Contacts.count) Contacts" -ForegroundColor Yellow }while ($Contacts.count % 1000 -eq 0 -and $Contacts.count -ne 0) $i=1 $AllITGlueConfigurations = do { $Configs = (Get-ITGlueConfigurations -page_size 1000 -page_number $i).data $i++ $Configs Write-Host "Retrieved $($Configs.count) Configurations" -ForegroundColor Yellow }while ($Configs.count % 1000 -eq 0 -and $Configs.count -ne 0) $DomainList = foreach ($Contact in $AllITGlueContacts) { $ITGDomain = ($contact.'contact-emails'.value -split "@")[1] [PSCustomObject]@{ Domain = $ITGDomain OrgID = $Contact.'organization-id' Combined = "$($ITGDomain)$($Contact.'organization-id')" } } ###Connect to your Own Partner Center to get a list of customers/tenantIDs ######### $aadGraphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes '' -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $tenantID $graphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes '' -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $tenantID Connect-MsolService -AdGraphAccessToken $aadGraphToken.AccessToken -MsGraphAccessToken $graphToken.AccessToken $customers = Get-MsolPartnerContract -All Write-Host "Found $($customers.Count) customers in Partner Center." -ForegroundColor DarkGreen foreach ($customer in $customers) { Write-Host "Found $($customer.Name) in Partner Center" -ForegroundColor Green ###Get Access Token######## $CustomerToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -Credential $credential -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Scopes '' -Tenant $customer.TenantID $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $($CustomerToken.AccessToken)" } $Devices = "" #####Get Intune information if it is available#### try{ $Devices = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Headers $headers -Method Get -ContentType "application/json").value | Select-Object deviceName, ownerType, operatingSystem, osVersion, complianceState,userPrincipalName, autopilotEnrolled,isEncrypted, serialNumber }catch{('This tenant either does not have intune licensing or you have not added the correct permissions to the which are listed in the begining of this script')} if($Devices){ forEach($device in $Devices){ forEach($configuration in $AllITGlueConfigurations){ if($configuration.attributes.'serial-number' -eq $device.serialNumber){ $configExist = $configuration Write-Host "Existing Configuration Found in ITGlue" -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { $configExist = "" } } $FlexAssetBody = @{ type = 'flexible-assets' attributes = @{ traits = @{ 'device-name' = $device.deviceName 'ownership' = $device.ownertype 'os' = $device.operatingSystem 'os-version' = $device.osVersion 'compliance-state' = $device.complianceState 'user' = $device.userPrincipalName 'autopilot-enrolled' = $device.autopilotEnrolled | Out-String 'encrypted' = $device.isEncrypted | Out-String 'serial-number' = $device.serialNumber 'configurations' = $ } } } Write-Host "Finding $($ in IT-Glue" -ForegroundColor Green $CustomerDomains = Get-MsolDomain -TenantId $Customer.TenantId $orgid = foreach ($customerDomain in $customerdomains) { ($domainList | Where-Object { $_.domain -eq $ }).'OrgID' } $orgID = $orgid | Select-Object -Unique if(!$orgID){ Write-Host "$($ does not exist in IT-Glue" -ForegroundColor Red } if($orgID){ $ExistingFlexAsset = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -filter_flexible_asset_type_id $($ -filter_organization_id $orgID).data | Where-Object { $_.attributes.traits.'serial-number' -eq $device.serialNumber} #If the Asset does not exist, we edit the body to be in the form of a new asset, if not, we just update. if (!$ExistingFlexAsset) { $FlexAssetBody.attributes.add('organization-id', $orgID) $FlexAssetBody.attributes.add('flexible-asset-type-id', $($filterID.ID)) write-host "Creating Intune Device $($device.deviceName) for $($ into IT-Glue organisation $org" -ForegroundColor Green New-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -data $FlexAssetBody } else { write-host "Updating Intune Device $($device.deviceName) for $($ into IT-Glue organisation $org" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ExistingFlexAsset = $ExistingFlexAsset | select-object -last 1 Set-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -id $ -data $FlexAssetBody } } }}}
Final Thoughts
The script is looking for Serial Numbers to soft match an Intune enrolled device to an existing configuration and add them as a tag to the asset. I did have the thought of creating Intune devices as new configurations if they didn’t perform that soft match of the serial number but would want some feedback on that! Additionally, if you think there would be more metadata you would like to see that is part of the device, please comment that below.
I’m wondering what changes need to be made in order to use this script directly within my tenant (not needing to access customers / partners tenant) as I’m implimenting ITGlue for my Internal IT Documentation.
Hey Travis, essentially, you could just change all of the tokens/Application IDs/App Secrets to just a Connect-MSOLService to connect to your single tenant and then remove the loop for customers, adding only your tenant ID do the parameters so it generates a single token based on your environment
Curious as to why you created a new flexible asset vs using configurations?
Hey Dan great question. I did link the existing configs but the API from IT Glue for configurations is static in certain ways from the data that you can populate so i wanted more flexibility there
I have been looking at creating something very similar to this. I found your article and have used a large portion of this script while cutting out the itglue part. I can use the exact same secure app credentials to pull a list of users from each tenant. But I seem to be having some odd issues with pulling the list of devices from graph. I am getting 403 forbidden errors. First I wanted to ask, is this script still functioning correctly for you? I would assume since you have responded to a comment on this article as recently as two weeks ago that it does but I know Microsoft is constantly making changes so maybe something has changed. If it does, do you have any insight into why I would be able to pull our tenants list of users but not the devices? I know that these two calls require different permissions. The users call requires “User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All” and the devices call requires “DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All, DeviceManagement.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All, DeviceManagement.ReadWrite.All”. I have confirmed that the App has been given these permissions. What am I missing here? Thank you for any insight you may be able to provide.
Have you granted those permissions at the delegated layer or application layer?